Left Mastectomy
Invasive ductal carcinoma, grad III, 4,7 CM in size
In situ carcinoma present, solid type with comedo-type necrosis
Angiolymphatic invasion seen
In situ ductal carcinoma extends to posterior resection margin
other margins free of tumor
AJCC Stage: T2, pN3, M1
Mild Fibrocystic changes
Rare microcalcifications noted in ass. with carcinoma in situ and benign breast
Left axillary contents: 13 out of 25 lymph nodes w/ metastaitc breast carcinoma
Perinodal fat contains intravascular carcinoma
Posterior Jugular Lymph Nodes:
4 of 4 lymph nodes w/ metastatic breast carcinoma. perinodal fat contains intravascular carcinoma.
note: left axillary nodes: several larger lymph nodes are white, firm and appear to be replaced by metastatic tumor.
25 nodes, 13 show met. breast carcinoma.
note: posterior jugular lymph node: On section there are several matted lymph nodes replaced by white metastic tumor.
4 out of 4 nodes all replaced by metastatic breast carcinoma. The adipose tissue around the lymph nodes shows angiolymphatic
spaces w/ intraluminal tumor.