Chest Wall & Lung Symptoms (updated 1/28/06)

Silicone Implants ?!
Mets Sisters Memorial Page
Mets Sisters Memorial page 2
Page left up in memory of the BCMets Crisis Fund
Lung & Chest area Mets (Symptoms) (3-7-06)
NIH's Explaination of METS
Neck area Mets Symptoms (added 2/20/06)
Diet, trials, exercise, support...( Ann Mc. sent to support group with links 2/7/06
Types of Invasive Breast Cancer (Ductal/Lobular)
Helpful Products List (Updated 4/9/06)
Bone Mets, Bone Marrow Biopsy "Listen!!!" (update 2/18/06)
Skull Mets Symptoms (updated 1/28/06
Brain Mets Symptoms (updated 2/20/06)
Chest Wall & Lung Symptoms (updated 1/28/06)
Eye Mets Symptoms (updated 2/16/06)
My BC Story (Sent to the Tryon NC bullentin)
The Business of Cancer
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
How Someone Discovered they had Paget's Disease
Ozdes Bodur's Story ( from Turkey)
Catherine's Mom, another Victim...
Tumor Markers

I had coughing symptoms for the past 3 mo. which was 
> thought to be asthma. Went through the same thing a 
> couple of years ago, nothing showed on xray so did 
> inhalers and the cough eventually stopped. This time 
> the inhalers didn't work. Xray still didn't show 
> anything so had Ct scan. Uh Oh!!!

Since 1997 my PC has also said passed off my symptoms as "alittle 
asthma" and "alittle arthritis to sternum". 2005 confirmed the little 
asthma and arthritis was lung and sternum cancer. HERBALIST & EXERCISE WORKED BEST in 1997 for me(in combination with 
conventional treatment).. I'm TRYING THAT AGAIN .. Alittle history of my symptoms, doctor's, environmental changes & tests 
we've done, and holistic modalities I've tried... Veins on my chest began to enlarge and seemed to be closer to the skin 
surface. A subtle blackening bruising/discoloration occurred in the 
chest area the past two years. 2004 - 2005 had 5 respiratory infections, 
3 bouts with pneumonia, Sinus infection lasting two years. Horrendous 
fatigue sleeping up to 20 hours per day. Horrendous 
chest pain with breathing problesm resulting in ER visits during 
storms/hurricanes. Swelling in right hand/arm. Swelling in ankles. Doctors that have done intensive workups in the past 8 years: (all of 
these were listed as top doctors in my area on an independent survey 
completed by physicians in this area sponsored by area magazine) 
Rheumatologists, Gastroenterologist, ENT, Allergist, Plastic Surgeon, 
Breast Cancer Surgeon, Opthamologist,Neurosurgeon, Orthopedic Surgeons 
PLUS others..Chiropractor, Pain Specialist, Rehabilitation Physical 
Therapists (4), Massage therapists, Natural Medicine specialists, , 
Lymphedema clinic, Sleep apnea clinic, Lung Specialist-(fall 2005 
finally). I'm sure there were more. this is all I can think of. I've had AMAS cancer testing (, intense physical 
therapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, magnetic therapy, Reiki, crystal 
& color therapy, herbalist, electrical pulse therapy, aromotherapy, diet 
changes, ear candling, ESSAIC, colon cleansing, astrologist readings, 
aura reading, healing services, feng shui, healing tapes, meditation Thinking the breathing problems were related to allergens or black mold 
or something in our house we've done the following (wasted) work: RADAN 
testing (Our house is elevated.. we moved in 1996.. I had cancer 1997 
??? ) Installation of UV light and 6" thick media duct air filter Clean 
& rework Duct system Commercial Environmental Analysis of Air Quality 
(this person normally does hospitals, etc. it was QUITE expensive) Free 
standing air cleaners Air Dehumidifier (summer) Air humidifier (winter) 
Use paints with low VOC In the past 8 years there has been much more.. I had the two episodes 
when high levels of stress occurred at work. Related ?? Who knows.. I tried to find out why, to cure myself through a variety of methods..again 
HERBALIST & EXERCISE WORKED BEST in 1997 (in combination with conventional treatment).. I'm TRYING THAT AGAIN ! *******************************************************************************

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