Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Silicone Implants ?!
Mets Sisters Memorial Page
Mets Sisters Memorial page 2
Page left up in memory of the BCMets Crisis Fund
Lung & Chest area Mets (Symptoms) (3-7-06)
NIH's Explaination of METS
Neck area Mets Symptoms (added 2/20/06)
Diet, trials, exercise, support...( Ann Mc. sent to support group with links 2/7/06
Types of Invasive Breast Cancer (Ductal/Lobular)
Helpful Products List (Updated 4/9/06)
Bone Mets, Bone Marrow Biopsy "Listen!!!" (update 2/18/06)
Skull Mets Symptoms (updated 1/28/06
Brain Mets Symptoms (updated 2/20/06)
Chest Wall & Lung Symptoms (updated 1/28/06)
Eye Mets Symptoms (updated 2/16/06)
My BC Story (Sent to the Tryon NC bullentin)
The Business of Cancer
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
How Someone Discovered they had Paget's Disease
Ozdes Bodur's Story ( from Turkey)
Catherine's Mom, another Victim...
Tumor Markers

The Link Below has pictures of IBC and Skin Mets. Lots of information.

This is Not your typical Breast Cancer from what I've been learning about it. There is so much info out there about doing self breast exams, basically how to look for lumps. These symptoms aren't listed on those cute little shower hangers.
Here's a few symptoms listed by some ladies from BC.ORG Support Group:
"I had a sudden rapidly changing nipple, began sinking into the aereola. 10days after I first experienced pain in that breast, first a rapid , burning pain which lasted for a few hours followed by an ache which started 2 days after the burning pain. The change in nipple started about 10days after the burning pain."- Kaye
(Now this following account will really make you wonder, were the doc's right to begin with, then wrong and then realised they had been right and decided to play it off as not important one way or another?)
" I had all the classic symptoms of IBC but a skin biopsy was neg. for IBC. The doc's were prepared to dx it as IBC just by symptoms. They said biopsies are sometimes wrong. The symptoms disappeared over the weeks, symptoms gone. Doc's said it couldn't have been IBC because symptoms don't disappear. A lump in my breast (which often accompanies IBC) was found to be invasive carcinoma. When the mets were discovered, the doctors said it was no longer important whether it was IBC or not. My initial symptoms were: large dark pink circle on my breast, peau d'orange skin (skin looks like skin of an orange) large finger like welts which came and went, stabbing pain, small scaly lesion near my areola. The lump was hard to find and I had to sit up and show primary care physician exactly where it was. "-Cathy

***Chemo is usually used before surgery. Having the Mastectomy first can cause recurrence because of lymph vessels of skin involved. (Info from internet, discuss with onc to make your choices)

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