Yvonne Barfield
Her last recorded message was on 1-30-06 when she said
"goodbye" to her dear friends at bcmets.org. I wanted to follow-up with you ladies to let you know that my mother
lost her courageous battle on March 1st. She was liver mets and had been on this message board for a few years.
She learned so much from you all and truly appreciated all the support,advice and information you extended to her during
her illness. This board and each of you held aspecial place in her heart. She was fortunate enough to be able to leave a donation
to the organization before her passing and she only wished she had more to give. This group meant the world to her and for
that I owe you all a huge thank you.
I know this group is all working through this together and anything I can do help your journey go a little smoother,
would mean the world to me too. Again, anything I can do to help bcmets will be an honor.
All the best-
Rebecca Barfield
daughter of Yvonne Barfield

From: Jordonna
Date: Thu Jan 12 2006
I was dx with Stage III BC Inflitrating Ductal in June 2002 while
pregnant with my 3rd son at 11weeks. I was 38 years
old. Did 5A/C
treatments with him, then had the Mastectomy with 31/31 lymphs+. I then
switched to Taxotere and
did 8 treatments. Also had rads. Finished end
of May, NED. Put on Tamoxifin. Was seen in eary July for follow up and
then in Mid September. My Onc found a lump on my scar and that was
removed along with my ovaries. I also had
a PET that found mets to the
hip. I had more RADs to chest and then to hip. Put on Femara. From 2004
I have
been tested every 3 months and I always have more bone mets but
they were asymptomatic. I was on xeloda all last year
but went off in
May of this year when a met grew from 2cm to 4cm. Had rads to that. And
was on nothing for the
summer except for Faslodex Shots and Zometa. In
September I got Liver mets, to numerous to count. My liver was pushing
on the outside of my ribs. It grew so fast that I didn't even have time
to know what was going on until I couldn't
breath without pain. The
liver was pushing on my lungs and stomach. In October started weekly
Taxol. My liver
functions after one treatment went from AST 1475 to 400!
Last test showed my AST at 194 and the other two near normal
at 84. I
was to start Avastin, but do to 4 rounds of rads, I don't do well with
platelets and Avastin causes
bleeding. So, it's been hard for my family
seeing me with no hair again but on the bright side, I tolerate this
so well, I have virtually no side effects.
Next Wednesday I have a CAT scan and we will see how my liver looks. I
think they will be able to see some bone mets
to0. I have no idea how
many I have only that they are on my spine and cause no symptoms.
I decided to post to Tammy's letter, not because I have any answers for
her, but because she was pregnant too. I live
in Spokane, WA and get to
Seattle frequently. So Tammy, if you have any questions about treatment
options down
here, let me know. My case has been followed by the UW, a
Dr. Graylow.
It's been encouraging to me to see that the liver mets people have had
respond to treatment. I hope that's my case
because looking over my
history, I have never been NED except for 10 weeks after initial
treatment. What a short-lived
summer that was!
This appears to be a great board, and I thank every one in adance for
their support.
Jordonna mother to 3 beautiful boys, 3yrs, 4.5yrs, 10yrs wife to the
greatest husband on earth for 16yrs, Rob
Jordonna Marie
In Loving Memory of Jordonna
died peacefully at home with her family in Spokane on February 24, 2006. Jordonna was as unique as her name. Born in Seattle,
she moved with her parents to Juneau, Alaska. As with her education, Jordonna's work life focused on small children, often
with special needs. She passionately bridged children and their families with special needs to local assistance programs.
In the same week in June, 2002, Jordonna quit working to pursue her ultimate dream of being a full-time mom, while eleven
weeks pregnant, she was also diagnosed with breast cancer. Fighting admirably through treatment and pregnancy the miracles
of "Timmy Twinkle Toes," three and a half years of family life, and the surrounding community she affected came through. From
the beginning her community rallied within hours to help with anything imaginable for this young family. The family wants
Cataldo Catholic School, St. Augustine Parish, friends, neighbors, ACMI, Synthes, and the local Spokane medical community
and more to know how incredibly grateful we are for their wonderful and generous support during Jordonna's illness. This community
is a living testament to the power of faith and its contribution to the celebration of life even in the unfair struggle with
Tue Feb 14 2006 - 13:02:50 EST
I had the sad news today that Kathy died on 20th december. Her husband
phoned me & told me that Kathy died at home
with 4 of her 5 children
with her (unfortunately her daughter did not get back from her home in
in time, but spoke with Kathy for a couple of hours on the
phone before she died). He wanted me to let the group know
& to thank
you all for the support Kathy received. Kathy was wonderfully supportive
to me, and incredibly generous
- even when Xeloda failed her, she always
sounded so pleased that I was doing well with it. Today is her son's
birthday - she had got him a silver bracelet engraved with a
message of her love. I shall miss Kathy's support & friendship
enormously. Jane (UK)
Jan 8, 2006 8:04 PM
Subject: Cecilia Eriksson
Dear all,
It is with deep regret I have to tell you that my wife Cecilia Eriksson passed away on December 6.
learned that she had liver mets in early November. Apparently, the cancer was spreading very rapidly at this point and she
also had also had developed several small brain tumors, which we weren't aware about. These tumors, exacerbated by the blood
thinner (warfarin) that she was taking (for reasons unrelated to her cancer) caused a subdural haematoma that she eventually
died from. This happened quite quickly, and thankfully the process was short and relatively painless.
Cecilia had a
stubborn headache on the morning of the December
5 and we
checked into the oncology day clinic here in Malmo.
Towards the evening, Cecilia was getting very tired and she eventually drowsed off into unconsciousness, never to wake up
again. Even though we couldn't talk I was at least with her during her last few hours, for which I'm very grateful. Her parents
who live a one-hour car ride away arrived just after Cecilia had passed away. After all these years knowing this day would
eventually come, this was of course not the way we had expected it to end. None of us really had a chance to reflect and
say goodbye in a proper way. On Sunday Cecilia had spent time with her family, playing with her two nephews. And in fact
she had that week lined up with lots of activities and friends to meet.
Although this quick turn of events was a terrible
shock for me and
Cecilia's family, every way we think of it now, we can't really imagine a better outcome given the
way things were. And this gives us comfort and a sense of relief. Cecilia just fell asleep, unaware of what was going on.
I was with her during all of her last day and she was feeling safe and in good care at the hospital. From the very start,
Cecilia tried to learn everything she could on her disease. The incredible support, comfort, and strength through knowledge
that she was able to find in your community was very important for Cecilia. part of her last mail to the list describes
her appreciation of this list and its people. Sincerely, Benjamin
It is with a very heavy heart that I share with you the passing of
another precious young woman. Three years
ago at a luncheon meeting of
Memphis area
IBCers. I met Angela Robinson there. She and her friend Loretta Yarbrough,
a BC patient, attended together. We had stayed in touch as
Angela fought the spread of her cancer. As with so many,
she fought with great courage. She had lung, liver and bone mets. Several days before Thanksgiving, she was found unconscious
in her home and rushed to the hospital. The dx was brain mets. She was in ICU for ten days. Then rads for the brain mets.
Unfortunately, the chemos and rads were not enough to fight off this devilish disease. The last time I visited her in the
hospital, she was heavily sedated and sleeping, but I talked to her anyway. The dreaded phone call came yesterday (Saturday
Jan 7th/06?) that she had
passed away in
the early morning hours. Angela was only 33 years old. She is the second
African-American woman in Memphis lost to ibc in the last two months.
Barbara Rainer,49, another beautiful
lady, died in Novermber. I treasure my
memories of both.
Sadly, Kay

Hi mets sisters Just wanted to update you. I have delivered my baby
safely at 31 weeks and 6 days, thursday 28th of
july around 10:31 am. My
baby boy weighs 4lbs 10 oz. He was put into neonatal care and at the
moment he is coping
very well..thanks for everyone praying for me. As
for me...I am coping as well with the caesarean pains, but its really
painful though... With God's help and mama mary's help I had my chemo
yesterday friday august 5 with taxol.
I am hoping that I will respond to
this drug. I promised to God to preach his goodness to me...so with just
week making me strong in the midst of the difficulties i
had...caesarean, high risk of my calcium He my almight healer
made me
strong so that i can start my chemo right away for just 1 week interval
from my delivery.
I praise and thank God and Mama Mary for all these things. Its my
birthday today and He grant my bday wish to give
me health and strength
so that i can go home today...and im back home today.!!!///
Monday, December 12, 2005
Catholic Filipina makes ultimate sacrifice for unborn son
by Agence France-Presse
LONDON-Call it maternal instinct.
A British-based Filipino mother who found out she had cancer after becoming pregnant sacrificed her life for her unborn baby
by refusing an abortion and chemotherapy, a British newspaper reported Friday.
Devout Catholic Bernadette Mimura-known as Milai-shunned the potentially life-saving treatment because doctors told her it
would kill the child, regional daily the Northern Echo reported.
The 37-year-old, who lived near Stockton-on-Tees, northeast England, with her British partner, Adam Taylor, survived long
enough to see the birth of their son, Nathan.
But soon after seeing him baptized, she was transferred to a hospice where she died about a week later.
Funds needed for RP burial
Priest Alan Sheridan is spearheading an appeal to raise 3,700 pounds (P347,816) to repatriate Mimura's body to the Philippines
for burial. Money left over will help her other three children from a first marriage.
The priest said he hopes the Philippine government would help with a grant to fly the three youngsters from Britain for the
"Being a Catholic, abortion for her was out of the question," Taylor told the newspaper. "It was a tough decision but we could
not give up on Nathan."
The youngster-now four-months-old-was premature but was born fit and healthy. The baby, whose mother was given a mild form
of chemotherapy to suppress her breast cancer, had to be induced after she developed complications.
Father Sheridan, who performed the baptism, said: "Bernadette said the most important thing was the birth of her baby and
she would not do anything to harm him. Having an abortion was never a consideration. I know she talked it over with Adam and
because she was a Catholic, there was no way she would have done it.
" He added: "She had to judge which life was more important and she just prayed there would be a cure for cancer."

Date: Fri Feb 24 2006
Dear Mets Family,
Another of our members has died. Rita Schmidt died this morning, after
having had a "big" stroke about 2 weeks ago.
Her husband, Tom, asked a
friend and neighbor, Carol, to contact us, and she phoned some of us who had
met in
Las Vegas in November. Rita had not written alot in the last several
weeks but had written in the past with great caring
and wit. Those of us
who got to meet her found her to be a very dear, direct, sincere woman, with
a big heart,
and a lively laugh. I spent an evening in Vegas watching TV
with her when neither of us had the energy for going out.
We sat and
chatted like old friends, and I am saddened to hear that she has left this
earthly life.
Tears and hugs, Pam in MI
From: Rita Schmidt
Date: Thu Oct 06 2005
I'm Rita Schmidt from Brooklyn Park, MN. I have two children 26 and 30 and 3
grandsons 10,5, and 3. My husband tries
to be as supportive as possible but
sometimes he doesn't want to get it. Of course, there are times when I don't
to get it too.
Original DX was Sept, 1990 where I had a left mastectomy and 6 months or so
of CMF that included
two septic staff infections.
Mets Dx was Aug, 2001 and came as a complete and very unpleasant surprise.
thought I was having ovarian cysts and after talking with my onc, I
agreed to a hysterectomy and oopherectomy. It turned
out the "cyst" was
breast cancer and seedlings of breast cancer were throughout my abdomen.
9/01 - 1/03
Faslodex 2/03 - 6/03
Taxol and (Avastin) Bevacizumab 8/03-9/05
Avastin only 9/05 - Present
Currently NED
I think breast cancer is a caused by a combination of enviornmental,
emotional, and hereditary factors.
do I do for myself? I knit some, read, see the grandkids, and talk and
visit with friends. I have several people with
breast cancer or mets that I
talk to and listen to. I also reach out to a friend who has late stage
cancer. My husband is retired now and we enjoy being around each
other. It makes for a comfortable and pleasant life
in general.
Marilyn, Mimi, Pam, Esther, Sandy, Pat and Rita... |

From: senga tsintas Date: Tue Apr 26 2005
Now the Tsintas no-one has touched that in 8 years.OK I have but only to make sure it is all in tact. It is
not because I do not have tits I only had a lumpectomy they are uneven so to speak the one on the right where I had the lymph
nodes taken out is at least 5 inches higher than the other one. The right one is like a 20 year olds the other yep a 57
year old. So no going bra-less for yours truly. Which brings me to another story. When I used to live in the U.K. we had a
greengrocer at the top of our road. Bear in mind that I was only 29 at the time. I used to go into his shop for potatoes greens
etc and he would look at you like he was undressing you I got to hate going in his shop. Anyway one day I have to go in and
it was a hot summer day I was wearing a tee-shirt but no bra ( I have inverted nipples so at that age no-one could tell) Well
he starts giving me the look and I couldn't believe it but one of the nipples popped out it was so obvious there I am asking
for a lettuce one nipple sticking out and kinda getting bigger the more he looked. I never went back again I was mortified. Love
From: senga tsintas Date: Thu Dec 01 2005 Of course I LOVE to be told that I am looking
good from people that do not know my dx. What gets me is the way acquaintances say it it is said ?sometimes in such away that
I know what they mean to say is how can you have cancer and look good. When I am well I like to live positive and I go bowling
I was there today laughing joking and having a great time but I am aware of some of them looking at me wondering what on earth
I am doing there if I am supposed to by dying form cancer. On the bad days I feel like I am but on the good days I like
to LIVE with cancer. ?Love Senga-
From: senga tsintas Date: Wed Apr 20 2005 I am such a poser
that not only would I like to stage my own death I want to stage the hole cat and caboodle. I gave visions of my coffin painted
in pretty colours taking centre stage. In fact I have asked my friend who is the stage director at the local drama group I
belong to design it. Yep I want to go out BIG. No little priest doing a little eulogy over the graveside for me. The only
bit I am uncertain about and has always troubled me is the mortuary bit. I have asked my husband to deep me in the house until
the actual event. If I die in the Summer the air -conditioning is going to be expensive but so what. I even bought a beautiful
dress from E-bay to be buried in but unfortunately never received it. Oh the sin of vanity. I'm not even vain just very
odd. I mean I went bowling without my teeth when I had to have the bottom ones removed because the Zometa strengthened the
bone in my mouth so hardly vain. Tis such a pity that none of my b.c.metsters are not nearer as hubby is going to the U.K.
next week and I am having an old-girls party.Hope to do a lot of laughing. I shoud be on my break from the Xeloda and have
promised myself a gin&tonic or three All the girls will bring a bit of food and lots of Vino. Love Senga.
From: senga tsintas Date: Wed Nov 10 2004 I feel as long as we respect each others points of view even if
we do not agree and treat each other respectfully then we can say what we like on this site. If we cannot say what we want
as we fight this disease then when can we. One of the things that I worded out on dx to help me was that I would not be
the people pleaser that I had been brought up to be. I would not deliberately offend anyone but realise that yes I do not
no how everyone's mind works and may offend some but it is never intentional This site is for us the ones fighting, suffering,
and trying to make sense of this part of our lives. senga
From: senga tsintas Date: Wed Sep 08
2004 I asked the nurse what would my "end" be like. She said that because it was most likely the liver that would get me
I would drift in and out of ?consciousness until I did not regain consciousness and then die. I guess it sounded Ok -and I
was happy ( "happy"!) with that. No happy is not the right word I guess I was reassured as well as crying all the time
while she told me. Senga.
1/30/2006 (to Pam, from Senga's Daughter Fiona) On Friday i decided to ask if
she could come home from the hospital,they had been hinting to her that she should go anyway,but when i said that
was what we wanted,the hospital seemed to change there minds?? Any way on sunday i called them and said that i was coming
up to take her home,she was so weak and confused,and it was on my mind that she had said she didnt want to die there.
So somehow we got back to mine,me and steve got her up the stairs. She is not herself at all at the moment,i am unsure
if its the WBR or the chemo,or the drugs?? She talks,well mumbles about stuff that is not there,she is seing things
all the time,has spent most of the weekend and all of today with her eyes shut,even eating like that. I knew things were going
to get worse,its just a shock,is this it? i just dont know,i am hoping she will improve in the next few days,but i am not
so sure. I am just playing it by ear at the moment,i will see what tomorrow brings,thanks for the email,if she starts
to ge a bit better,the computer is the first place she will head to. fiona. 1/31/2006 Of course you can share
the news with the list,the people on that list were definately all her favourite people(apart from us) in the world. I didint
know what to do last night,she slept all day,i put her in bed and ?she slept through,so i didnt wake her to give her a sleeping
pil! I had hoped all this madness was the meds,but now i am not too sure,she had nothing since lunch time yesterday as
she slept,when i went to see her this morning at 7 am,she was as mad as ever....now i am thinking this is how it will be,i
am so surprised that this has happened so quickly,she was making perfect sense up to thursday last week,even friday a
bit. I will call the paliative care team today and talk to them,but for now i am happy she is here,although it seems she
thinks we are in cyprus!
From: senga tsintas Date: Wed Dec 29 2004 - Down below
the surface of a quiet pond lived a little colony of water bugs. There were a happy colony. living far away from the sun.
For many months they were very busy, scurrying over the soft mud on the bottom of the pond. they did notice that every once
an awhile one of their colony seemed to lose interest in going about . Clinging to the stem of a pond lily it gradually
moved out of sight and was seen on more. "Look" said one of the water bugs to another "one of our colony is climbing up the
lily stalk. Where do you think she is going?" Up, Up, up, it slowly went.....Even as they watched the water bug ?disappeared
from sight. Its friend waited and waited but id didn't return. "That's funny" said on water but to another. "Wasn't she happy
here" asked a second . "where do you suppose she went?"wondered a third. No one had an answer. They were greatly puzzled.
Finally one of the water bugs, a leader in the colony, gathered its friends together "I have an idea" The next one
of us who climbs up the lily stalk must promise to come back and tell us here he or she went and why" "We promise" they
said solemnly# One spring day, not long after the the very water bug who had suggested the plan found himself climbing up
the lily stalk. Up, up, up, he went. Before he knew what was happening he had broke through the surface of the water
and ?fallen onto the broad green lily pad above. When he awoke, he looked about with surprise. He couldn't believe what he
saw. A startling change had come to his old body. His movement revealed four silver wings and a long tail.Even as he struggled,
he felt an impulse to move his wings. The warmth of the sun soon dried the moisture from the new body. He moved his wings
again and suddenly frond himself up above the water. He had become a dragonfly!! Swooping and dipping in great curves, he
flew through the air. He felt exhilarated in the new atmosphere. By and by the new dragonfly lighted happily on a lily pad
to rest. Then it was that he chanced to look below to the bottom of the pond. Why, he was right above his old friends,
the water bugs! There they are scurring around, just as he had been doing some time before. The dragonfly remembered the promise.
"the next one of us who climbs up the lily stalk will come bank and tell where he or she went and why. "Without thinking,
the dragonfly darted down. Suddenly he hit the surface of the water and bounced away. Now that he was a dragonfly, he could
no longer go into the water... "I can't return!" At least, I tried. But I can't keep my promise. Even if I could go back not
one of the water bus would know me in my new body. I guess I'll just have to wait until they become dragonflies too. Then they ll understand what has happened to me, and where I went"

Sara Hamblin 1954-Feb 21,2006 (edited version)
Sara led an interesting and happy life. She was a bit on the quiet side, but her sense of humor and quick wit are
what many people remember most about her. Sara was a capable writer and put her humor and experiences in to newspaper columns
in high school and later for two women's
publications in Salt Lake. During her years in Kanab, Sara had many friends. A talented musician, she played piano, organ
and saxophone in school, at church and in the community. In her teen years she sometimes played in a band at a bar in Fredonia
and she got a kick out of the fact that some of the same people who were at the bar on Saturday night would also be at the
local Mormon ('LDS') church on Sunday morning. After high school, Sara dabbled in education at USU in Logan and at the 'trade
tech' in Orem, but mostly she found joy in life by having fun with her friends. In 1977 she moved to Salt Lake City and got
a position at USF&G insurance, where she worked for the next 17 years. Sara enjoyed the job and her coworkers, some of
whom became lifelong friends. In 1992 Sara found a life partner, Kathy Worthington, with whom she would spend nearly
14 years. Together they lived a life that was rewarding and exciting in ways that Sara had never imagined. They had adventures
that included a music festival, two marches in Washington, D.C., and similar events in New York and San Francisco. They spent
many hours volunteering for a variety of organizations and activities. They worked on a few political campaigns and enjoyed
election night parties with the Democrats. For several years they published the "Womyn's Community News" and they wrote a
column for the WCN called "Never a Dull Moment". Later they got involved in Salt Lake's exmormon community. Along the way
they made many friends. Sara traveled widely, visiting fourteen countries and most of the U.S. She went on a cruise to the
southern Carribbean and made trips to Mexico and Europe. She went for a ride in a hot air balloon and one in a helicopter.
Long drives in a convertible through France or Italy were pure joy. Even after three trips to Mexico and two to Italy, Sara
still dreamed of returning. In April of 1993 Sara and Kathy went to a huge march in Washington and they participated in a
union ceremony and reception while they were there. In 2003 the couple got married in Canada. They dreamed of having
their wedding legally recognized in the U.S., but Sara didn't live long enough to see that happen.
Sara had learned a love of cars and of driving from her beloved father. She was unable to work for much of 1997, but
in 1998 she got a job as a bus operator at UTA and she discovered that it was the kind of work she should have been doing
all her life. She loved being out and about on the roads and she loved being behind the wheel of a UTA bus. To the folks at
UTA, Sara sends a message, "It was a great ride." Sara touched many people's lives in her 51 years, including many she met
and got to know after her diagnosis with breast cancer in 1995. In 1996 the disease spread to her lungs,
then elsewhere, and Sara spent the next nine and a half years putting off the inevitable. She had help from many people,
including the wonderful people at Utah Cancer Specialists and at IHC hospice. She also got help and support
from an email group at bcmets.org, which was an important resource over the years. Even while moving from one treatment
to another, though, Sara was able to lead a full and rewarding life. Sara loved cats, had many of them in her life, and she
had plans to meet up with them in the afterlife. Kathy
Click to See Sarah's Tribute and photos
It is with much sadness that I inform you of the death of my beloved wife of
34 years. She was a wonderful wife and devoted mother and I will miss her
terribly. She was courageous in her struggle with breast cancer and fought
to be with us until the end. We had agreed that we would fight the good
fight as long and we could and then when the time came " let go". I was
with Beverly on Feb 17, after two weeks in the hospital dealing with plural
effusions. I held her hand and whispered in her ear to let go and she went
very peacefully.
She had been metastatic for over two years and for the most part her QOL had
been decent. We tried our best to live in the present and make every day and
minute count. We had a wonderful marriage and our love for each other only
became greater.
She had pretty much been on continuous chemo for the entire time. Although
er+ femara did not work for her so it wan mostly Taxol, Abraxane, Gemzar,
Avastin, a trial drug called SU 011248 and lastly Zelota. It became just
too much for her bone marrow. For the last four months she need two units of
blood every month to keep her counts in range despite aranesp injection.
Then, the platelets dropped and would not respond to neumega.
It was frustrating because we could tell the Zelota was working as her cough
disappeared after only two cycles.
The shortness of breath and effusions happened quite quickly after she had
to stop treatment.
She had a thorocentisis of the left and right sides but the fluid returned
quickly. This happened as she was getting cyberknife treatment for dural
mets. Finally, she was admitted to UCSF and had a drain placed on the right
side. A pluradesis (talc) was attempted but failed. Then a VATS (video
assisted thoracic surgery) was done to mechanically irritate the lung and
plura and place talc and a drain was placed on the left side as well. The CT
surgeon was encouraged that drainage did finally slow down and wanted to
talc the left lung and take the drains out so we could go home. After the
left side was talced, it was just too much for my sweet Beverly and she went
into respiratory distress again. Her family and my two sons had been with
her almost continuously for the two weeks.
The care at UCSF was wonderful (14 Moffit). The nurses were angels and
confessed to "over-bonding" with my sweet wife. Our oncologist Dr. Hope Rugo
never gave up and was treating Beverly with estrogen and herception (she was
slightly her2nu positive) until the end and was involved in all the
treatment discussions with the medical team, pulmonary team, and CT (cardo
thoracic team.
My sincerest thanks to everyone on this board for all of the help, support
and knowledge that you all have given me over the past two years.
As I have said in the past, wishing all metsisters decent QOL and more time
with loved ones.
Eric Walker
From: Ann Maree
Date: Sat Feb 04 2006
I posted in December about my friend Rose who just started hospice care.
She died yesterday and I just feel numb! It was only about a year after
dx. So hard to understand why she was taken from us so quickly. I take
comfort in her husband's comments, "when she died her facial expression
went from being one of anguish to one that was charming and carefree as
rose was."
Love and peace to you all.
Ann Maree
(Karen Lenhart Maintains this list, thank you Karen)
Friends who have died...with bc
Mirielle, Switzerland in Dec 2004
Sue Bragato, CA in Dec 2004
Linda from Cost Rica Jan 2005
SherryO, CT on 1-4-05
Cyndi, MN in 2-9-2005 (Ovarian ca)
Ginny Mitchell, Calgary in 2-2-2005
Susan VanRooyen, GA in Feb 2005
Shelly Slick, MD 3-12-05
Dawn Johnson, TX 3-14-05
Janet Krakauer 4-19-05
Indira Menon, CA 4-29-05
Maria O Shea, Ireland 4-28-05
Francine Berger, NY May 2005
Juliet Jones, NY 6-3-05
Karen (Kat) Klein Turner, TX 7-2-05
Karon Haller, MD 8-3-05
Angela Sissons 8-5-05
Tammy Young, Ontario Canada 8-19-05
Lori Sargent Rodomski, Regina Canada 8-22-05
Lynne Lourenco, CA 8-22-05
Lisa Gilchrist - Alabama 8-26-05
Anne Henderson 8-30-05
Kristi Buss, AR 9-1-05
Alley Blackford, FL 9-21-05
Martina Kent, CA 10-11-05
Marilyn McLane, NC 11-11-05
Cecilia Erikson, Sweden 12-6-05
Kathy Winter, UK 12-20-05
Milai, England December 2005
Linda Sherwood, FL 12-29-05
Julie Dixon, FL 1-22-06
Pam Drake, MD 2-12-06
Senga Tsintas, UK 2-17-06
Pam Daley, NH 2-17-06
Beverly Walker, CA 2-17-06
Sara Hamblin,UT 2-21-26
Rita Schmidt, MN 2-24-06
Jordonna Craven, WA 2-24-26
Florence Mink, NJ 2-26-06
Diana Lester,