Catherine's Mom, another Victim...

Silicone Implants ?!
Mets Sisters Memorial Page
Mets Sisters Memorial page 2
Page left up in memory of the BCMets Crisis Fund
Lung & Chest area Mets (Symptoms) (3-7-06)
NIH's Explaination of METS
Neck area Mets Symptoms (added 2/20/06)
Diet, trials, exercise, support...( Ann Mc. sent to support group with links 2/7/06
Types of Invasive Breast Cancer (Ductal/Lobular)
Helpful Products List (Updated 4/9/06)
Bone Mets, Bone Marrow Biopsy "Listen!!!" (update 2/18/06)
Skull Mets Symptoms (updated 1/28/06
Brain Mets Symptoms (updated 2/20/06)
Chest Wall & Lung Symptoms (updated 1/28/06)
Eye Mets Symptoms (updated 2/16/06)
My BC Story (Sent to the Tryon NC bullentin)
The Business of Cancer
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
How Someone Discovered they had Paget's Disease
Ozdes Bodur's Story ( from Turkey)
Catherine's Mom, another Victim...
Tumor Markers

It was Too Late for Catherine's Mom...

I told the support group a few months ago about losing my mother on  December 20th. I got up early this am to get ready for a trip my mother and I were suppose to take together on December 28th, but we didn't make it. I finally am taking this trip alone today.. funny I don't want anyone to go with me.. i believe she is with me still in spirit.  Anyway,  I am watching the news and on comes this clip about these two women who have been raising money for breast cancer awareness and have raised millions of dollars toward research.. one just recently passed away.  They show their fund rasier clip and there are all these women wearing "survivor" shirts. Those words really got to me this morning. What is a survivor of breast cancer...a survivor for a few more years until it  goes to stage 4 and docs says, "sorry, there is nothing else we can do." Guess I am just a little bitter and I will always be. 

 I got the car magnet from your web site....hopefully it gets the word out I hope to see them on the highways around the world.. My father put one on his front door and the car. My father has a pink awareness bracelet that someone gave him, and after I gave him the magnet he put four black slashes on the braclet with permenent marker.  People do need to be aware of the stage IV of the disease, my mother was never told the warning signs to watch for, after 8 months of complaining of bone pain to her primary doc and had lost 30lbs she went to onc. for her 6 month follow up and it was already too late, she died 3 months after diagnosis. It makes me sick. Maybe they couldn't have prolonged her life but if they new earlier they could have definately improved her quality of life. Take Care and keep up the great work, you are making a difference. God Bless. One more thing, I always tell my dad how I come on this support group and talk with you ladies. He says you should all get together on and march in Washington demanding the cure to be released, he says what are they going to do to a bunch of sick women! He believes there is a cure it's just squashed by the government. Billions of dollars donated to research and they are no closer to a cure now then they have ever been. We have quite a bit of anger in our family as you can tell. Stay Strong !!!!-Catherine

Hi susan, thanks for putting my letter on your website,
                                    it means alot to me, 
here is a tatoo my father got after my mom
 I don't know if you can read it it says, "until
                                    we meet again" 
on top and Teddy loves Gertie on the bottom, it is
                                    just beautiful,
 it was from her senior picture in high school right
                                    after they first met. 
By the way I took that trip me and my mother were
                                    suppose to go on
and the only empty seat on the plane was next to
So I know she was with me, hey I even buckled her
                                    in, haha!  
                                    God Bless!  
Love, Catherine


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