My Diagnosis
Silicone Implants ?!
Mets Sisters Memorial Page
Mets Sisters Memorial page 2
Page left up in memory of the BCMets Crisis Fund
Lung & Chest area Mets (Symptoms) (3-7-06)
NIH's Explaination of METS
Neck area Mets Symptoms (added 2/20/06)
Diet, trials, exercise, support...( Ann Mc. sent to support group with links 2/7/06
Types of Invasive Breast Cancer (Ductal/Lobular)
Helpful Products List (Updated 4/9/06)
Bone Mets, Bone Marrow Biopsy "Listen!!!" (update 2/18/06)
Skull Mets Symptoms (updated 1/28/06
Brain Mets Symptoms (updated 2/20/06)
Chest Wall & Lung Symptoms (updated 1/28/06)
Eye Mets Symptoms (updated 2/16/06)
My BC Story (Sent to the Tryon NC bullentin)
The Business of Cancer
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
How Someone Discovered they had Paget's Disease
Ozdes Bodur's Story ( from Turkey)
Catherine's Mom, another Victim...
Tumor Markers

(before my cancer dx) 6/03/02
Results from Mammogram: The patient maintains heterogeneously dense asymmetric fibroglandular tissue. Asymmetry is seen in the upper outer aspect of the left breast. Low density nodules are seen bilaterally which are reasonably well circumscribed. Thees are bes seen on the CC view. On the right, an 8 to 9 mm nodule is suggested at the 12:00 o`clock. On the left, the nodule is likely at the approx. 6 to 7:00 o`clock position. These findings do have a relative benign appearance with central lucencies.
Impression: No mammographic features of malignancy. Recommend patient return to routine follow up under ACS guidelines.

**** Because I didn't know any better, I didn't ask for a copy of the report or to even see it and have the doc. go over it with me.  She reported to me that my mammogram was OK. That I had fibroids and needed to cut back on my coffee, caffine.
 P.S. Insurance companies love doc's that will put off further testing. ****

**** Thank God for my new doctor**** (10/03)
I found a lump in my left breast while in the shower. This was the end of Oct., Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I made an appt to see my family doc who made an appt for mammogram and ultrasound.
11/24/03 (this is part of that report) Mamm: There is a variable sized area of increased density which is somewhat bi-lobed in appearance. Ultrasound: Performed which discloses a complex mass with what appears to be some fluid component in the left breast at the 7:30 position. This has the appearance of a hematoma although the patient relates no trauma. Impression: Findings are suggestive of a hematoma. A follow-up left breast ultrasound in one month suggested for further evaluation.

I went back to family doc. who sent me to a different place for another ultrasound because my lump had grown since I'd last seen her (2 or 3 wks). I told her hematomas don't grow!!! I didn't get that report from the second ultrasound. But when I came back to the doc again she made me an immediate appt. with a surgeon for a biopsy. The surgeon acted as if he really didn't think it was necessary. He talked and rambled useless facts and figures to me. I then said, how about a fine needle aspiration. He reluctantly did it. What the hell, I don't think he read my reports, the lump growing. Or maybe he did and decided it was nothing as suggested in some of them.

Mastectomy done 1/16/04
Date of Report 1/20/04

Left Mastectomy
Invasive ductal carcinoma, grad III, 4,7 CM in size
In situ carcinoma present, solid type with comedo-type necrosis
Angiolymphatic invasion seen
In situ ductal carcinoma extends to posterior resection margin
other margins free of tumor
AJCC Stage: T2, pN3, M1
Mild Fibrocystic changes
Rare microcalcifications noted in ass. with carcinoma in situ and benign breast
Left axillary contents: 13 out of 25 lymph nodes w/ metastaitc breast carcinoma
Perinodal fat contains intravascular carcinoma
Posterior Jugular Lymph Nodes:
4 of 4 lymph nodes w/ metastatic breast carcinoma. perinodal fat contains intravascular carcinoma.
note: left axillary nodes: several larger lymph nodes are white, firm and appear to be replaced by metastatic tumor. 25 nodes, 13 show met. breast carcinoma.
note: posterior jugular lymph node: On section there are several matted lymph nodes replaced by white metastic tumor. 4 out of 4 nodes all replaced by metastatic breast carcinoma. The adipose tissue around the lymph nodes shows angiolymphatic spaces w/ intraluminal tumor.

Estrogen Receptor Neg
Progesterone Receptor Neg
Her-2/NEU Oncoprotein Borderline (1+ to 2+)
Growth Fraction High
(1/27/04) Bone Scan
 (part of report) small focus of radiopharmaceutial uptake at the proximal diaphysis of the right humerus. findings is concerning for neoplastic metaphysis. The uptake found in the knees likely represent degenerative changes.
Cat Scan: Epicardial Lymph nodes at the cardiophrenic are identified. May represent internal mammary nodes.
Numerous lymph nodes within the left superclavicular space, with a poorly defined soft-tissue mass associated with it.
PET Scan was Recommended, but never ordered. This made another insurance company happy, I'm sure. 
After recovering from surgery. I went on FAC regimen, 6 cycles. Scans shown NED in May 2004 at last treatment. I was on aridia then switched to Zometa when I moved back home from VA. how long have I had this cancer? Since 6/02 ? Most definately sometime before 10/03. So this Oct/05 will be 2yrs. It took the doc's three months to finally get to a point of action.

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